The Security Event 2024!

This month we headed to the NEC in Birmingham to exhibit once again at The Security Event.

It was great to make some new connections there!

We were excited to present our new wooden kiosks for visitor sign-in, as part of our fun new ‘Space Invaders’ campaign…

…Who are YOUR Space Invaders? Your visitors of course!

Our visitor management system, VisiTapp, allows visitors to safely and securely sign in to the premises without the support of a member of staff. The user-friendly interface allows them to register quickly, thus diminishing queues and crowds in the front of house and increasing its efficiency.

To find out more about our visitor management system, VisiTapp, please click here!

Queue busting at BETT!

Kicking off 2024 with our favourite event of the year, it was of course the BETT show at ExCeL London! It was great to see so many idXtra friends and customers there, and to make some new connections.

We were thrilled to present our new campaigns for this year which centre around our cashless catering and visitor management systems.

Two different systems, but one shared goal: queue busting!

Our ultra-efficient systems with user-friendly interfaces allow visitors and students to be processed at super speed. But as if that wasn’t enough, we’ve also just launched a ‘queue buster’ tablet!

A portable tablet with an in-built card reader and software, staff members can simply take it down the queue and process more payments, thus easing the thoroughfare. In busy breaktimes, this is a life saver!

Long queues in the canteen and lots of hangry students? Fear not, idXtra can save the day!

How many cheese puns is too many?

To support this new campaign, any visitor who came to our stand and admitted to being ‘cheesed off’ with their cashless system, was given a complimentary mini cheese and entered into our prize draw!

Thank you to all of our customers, old and new, who came to see us at the show – we look forward to the next one!